My skills have been built up over experience as well as research and simple observation. I have what it takes to do brilliant work and make a contribution to society.
This section not just includes conferences/events attended or courses studied, it also contains work that is clearly related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals
University of Copenhagen
This MOOC highlighted a historical overview of how sustainability has been understood through an introduction to the SDGs– what they are, how progress can be measured and how SDGs are relevant for the management of global systems supporting humanity. The course was designed and taught by Professor Katherine Richardson.

United Nations Emergency Preparedness and Support Team (UNEPST)
Soft Skills in Crisis Management for Responders
This course equipped participants with the skill set to provide effective emotional support to a person affected by a crisis.
The course includes five core lessons- Principles of Effective Crisis Response, Assessment of Crisis Level, Crisis Reactions, Crisis Response Strategies and Techniques, Self Care for Crisis Responders.

(2018- 2020)
The Robin Hood Army is a volunteer based zero funds organization that works to get surplus food from restaurants and the community to serve less fortunate people.

Model United Nations (Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies)
Represented as a delegate of Palestine and was awarded 'Best Verbal Recognition' in an attempt to mediate peace and de-escalate tensions in the Middle East in the light of events involving Qatar for a joint front against religious extremism.

UN General Assembly
Model United Nations (Pune)
Represented as a delegate of Colombia in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) GA-6 LEGAL committee which is the forum of legal questions. Every member of the committee is obligated to promote the improvement of public international law.